عالم JoKeR

.•:*¨`*:•. لسـت ملاكــاً .•:*¨`*:•.
ولكننـــــــي لست شيطاناً
فأنا إنسان بسيط ...
أقدر قيمة الإعتذار حينما يكون واجب
وأقدر روعة التضحية إذا صار وقتها
وأسعى لغرس معنى الأخوة في نفسي قبل نفوس من حولي
وأمتلك قلبا شديد البياض يحمل بداخلــه الكثير من الحب

الأربعاء، 23 فبراير 2011


is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. with more than 500 million active users in July 2010.Users can add people as friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, or college.
The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better


هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Hi jOkEr
    HAW R U......
    i saw your blog
    it was so co0o0o0ol
